
The Grand Canyon: Endangered Place Blog

  Place Description  The Grand Canyon is one of Earth's monumental examples of arid-land erosion. The Colorado River dashed through this canyon, averaging 4,000 feet and randing across 277 miles. It is 6,000 feet deep at its lowest point, and 18 miles wide at its widest. It is located in northwestern Arizona and provides a unique record of three of the four eras of geological time.                                                Biodiversity The Grand Canyon possesses great biological diversity because it is home to five of the seven life zones and three of the four desert types in America. It is home to countless endangered and dwindling species and serves as an ecological habitat, home to over  1500 plant, 355 birds, 89 mammalian, 47 reptile, 9 amphibian, and 17 fish species.                       ...

The Jade Vine: Endangered Plant Post

             Species Description The Jade Vine, scientifically called the Strongylodon macrobotrys, is home to the Rainforest Biome near the Malaysian House. Recognized by its incredibly bright color, the Jade Vine attracts pollinating bats and can grow over 18 meters long. This species is currently classified as endangered in the wild, and although exact population estimates have not been established, scientists have confirmed that their numbers are rapidly declining.                                                Habitat and Range The Jade Vine typically emerges near streams in damp forests or even in ravines. Some specific examples of this include the Philippines and other rainforest areas.                                      Ecolog...

The Addax: Endangered Animals Blog

            Species Description The Addax, commonly called the White Antelope or even the Screwhorn Antelope is home to the Sahara Desert. Recognizable by its incredibly long and twisted horns, the Addax are sexually dimorphic, with the females standing at around 105 to 115 cm, compared to the females' 95 to 110 average height. This species is currently classified as critically endangered, with only around 100 animals remaining in the wild and around several thousand in captivity (numbers vary).                      Habitat and Range The Addax species typically inhabit dry/arid regions, found most commonly in deserts (semi, sand, and stony) In the past, the Addax populated the Sahelo-Saharan region of Africa and were spread across the Sahara Desert, but are now subjugated in the Termit Massif Reserve in Niger. While some exceptions occur, like some sightings in the eastern Air Mountains in Niger and Bod...


  Hey! My name is Adharsh Sundar but people call me Addy. I am a high school student (rising junior) taking this course through CCP to take advantage of the free courses offered, while also learning something interesting! My favorite animal would have to be a snow leopard due to their unique appearance. I am extremely interested in wildlife conservation as protecting our world’s biodiversity is critical for the future. Thanks!